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  1. Bob Anderson
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Sentim's Emotion APIs v1.0.0

Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.

An emotion recognition api that tells you the emotion of text, and not just the connotation.

Getting Started: follow the instructions under First Time Authentication, and then use one of the code examples provided.

Python API Client:

Base URLs:

Terms of service Email: Support


  • oAuth2 authentication.

    • Flow: clientCredentials

    • First Time Authentication:
      1. Go to https://sentimllc.com/user.html
      2. Log in (or create an account if you haven't made one yet)
      3. Click on the "Generate" button in your User settings to generate a file containing your client ID and secret
      4. Store the generated file in a safe, non-public location
      5. Call get_access_token with your new client id and secret to get an access token
      6. Use that access token whenever you call a method

      Authentication with client id and secret:
      1. Call get_access_token with your new client id and secret to get an access token
      2. Use that access token whenever you call a method

      Note: The access token will eventually expire, so please call get_access_token again when it does

Scope Scope Description
read:emotion Get the emotion of text


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST https://api.sentimllc.com/token?client_id=string&client_secret=string \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

import sentim

configuration = sentim.Configuration()
# Defining host is optional and default to https://api.sentimllc.com
configuration.host = "https://api.sentimllc.com"
# Create an instance of the API class to request an api token
api_instance = sentim.DefaultApi(sentim.ApiClient(configuration))

path_to_credentials = "/path/to/credentials"
with open(path_to_credentials, "r") as f:
  client_id, client_secret = f.readlines()[1].split(",")
  # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: sentim_auth
  configuration.access_token = api_instance.get_access_token(client_id, client_secret)
  # override instance with access token now that we've authenticated
  api_instance = sentim.DefaultApi(sentim.ApiClient(configuration))

POST /token

Oauth 2.0 authentication handler

Given your client id and secret (generated from the user settings page), generates the access token needed to authenticate with the rest of the api. Note: access tokens will eventually expire, so you will need to call this method periodically to get a new one.


Name In Type Required Description
client_id query string true Your client id
client_secret query string true Your client secret

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successful operation. Returns your access token. string
400 Bad Request Invalid client id or secret None

Response Schema

Chatbot Effectiveness API


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST https://api.sentimllc.com/chatbot_effectiveness/batch \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

import sentim
api_instance = # ... see get_access_token to see how to get a proper instance
conv = sentim.Conversation([
  "Hello, how can I help you?", 
  "I'm having issues with the site.", 
  "I'm sorry to hear that. What is happening specifically?", 
  "After I click on the link provided, the webpage keeps saying it's not found.", 
  "Can you access google.com?", 
  "Why does that matter?",
  "I just want to check if you are connected to the internet.", 
  "Yeah, I can access google.com", 
  "Okay, great! Can you access our home page?",
  "Yes, I can access everything except the link that you sent me! AHHHHH!", 
  "Okay, I've sent you a new link. Can you check to see if the new link works?",
  "Yea... one second. Yeap. The link works. Thanks!", 
  "Not a problem. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", 
  "Nope! Goodbye."
api_response = api_instance.score_chatbot_conversation(conv)

POST /chatbot_effectiveness/batch

Score the effectiveness of every chatbot message in a conversation

Given a conversation of user-chatbot speech, where the user is the first and last to talk, score every chatbot's message based on whether or not the user's emotion matches what we expect.

Body parameter

  "ignore_first": true,
  "lang": "en",
   : [

Input conversation must have at least three messages. The number of messages must be of odd length (this is how we check if the conversation starts and ends with a message from the user). The number of messages cannot exceed 25. The length of each message cannot exceed 300.
Note: unlike in score_chatbot_effect, this method will still produce a score for text that exceeds the maximum length. It will instead produce both an error result and a normal result indicating that it automatically truncated the text to the proper length and this was the result for the truncated text.


Name In Type Required Description
body body Conversation true none

Example responses

200 Response

  "ResultList": [
      "Score": 0.70523544,
      "Index": 1
      "Score": 0.70523544,
      "Index": 1
  "ErrorList": [
      "Index": 0,
      "ErrorCode": 6,
      "ErrorMessage": "ErrorMessage"
      "Index": 0,
      "ErrorCode": 6,
      "ErrorMessage": "ErrorMessage"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successful operation, returns the score for every chatbot message (i.e. every other message starting with the second message (2,4,6,8...)). ConversationResponse
400 Bad Request Invalid list value. Could be due to too many items in the list or having a list item too long. None

Response Schema


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST https://api.sentimllc.com/chatbot_effectiveness/single \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

import sentim
api_instance = # ... see get_access_token to see how to get a proper instance
conv = sentim.Conversation([
  "Hello, how can I help you?", 
  "I'd like to get a car.", 
  "What kind of car?", 
  "A truck."
api_response = api_instance.score_chatbot_effect(conv)

POST /chatbot_effectiveness/single

Score the effectiveness of the last chatbot message in a conversation

Given a conversation of user-chatbot speech, score the chatbot's response (the second to last message) based on whether or not the user's emotion matches what we expect.

Body parameter

  "ignore_first": true,
  "lang": "en",
   : [

Input conversation must have at least three messages. The number of messages must be of odd length (this is how we check if the conversation starts and ends with a message from the user). The number of messages cannot exceed 5. The length of each message cannot exceed 300.


Name In Type Required Description
body body Conversation true none

Example responses

200 Response



Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successful operation. Returns the effectiveness score - (a number between 0 and 1, inclusive) number
400 Bad Request Invalid conversation. Conversation or messages too long? None

Response Schema

Emotion Recognition API


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST https://api.sentimllc.com/emotion/batch \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

import sentim
api_instance = # ... see get_access_token to see how to get a proper instance
textlist = [
  'HELP me pls!', 
  "The world is on fire.", 
  "Everything sucks, and I hate it!"
  ] # list[str] | List of Text to classify
lang = 'Eng' # str | Language of the input text.
batch_text = sentim.BatchText(textlist, lang)
api_response = api_instance.detect_batch_emotion(batch_text=batch_text)

POST /emotion/batch

Detect the emotion of a list of strings

Given a list of strings and the language of all strings, this method produces the emotion scores for each input string. Note: This method assumes that all of the strings are unrelated to each other, i.e. this method does not use context.

Body parameter

  "textlist": [
    "Example 1",
    "Example 2",
    "Example 3",
  "lang": "en"

The number of documents cannot exceed 25. The length of each document cannot exceed 300.
Note: This method does not automatically truncate text and will only return an error for items that exceed the document length.


Name In Type Required Description
body body BatchText true none

Example responses

200 Response

  "ResultList": [
      "EmotionScore": {
        "Anger": 0.70523544,
        "Neutral": 0.00899112,
        "Others": 0.3163906,
        "Happy": 0.11595909,
        "Joy": 0.02580458,
        "Affection": 0.01137558,
        "Sad": 0.00235727,
        "Disappointment": 0.00223313
      "Index": 0,
      "Emotion": "Anger"
      "EmotionScore": {
        "Anger": 0.70523544,
        "Neutral": 0.00899112,
        "Others": 0.3163906,
        "Happy": 0.11595909,
        "Joy": 0.02580458,
        "Affection": 0.01137558,
        "Sad": 0.00235727,
        "Disappointment": 0.00223313
      "Index": 0,
      "Emotion": "Anger"
  "ErrorList": [
      "Index": 0,
      "ErrorCode": 6,
      "ErrorMessage": "ErrorMessage"
      "Index": 0,
      "ErrorCode": 6,
      "ErrorMessage": "ErrorMessage"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successful operation. Returns the emotion for every string in the input. BatchEmotionResponse
400 Bad Request Invalid list or lang value. Could be due to too many items in the list or using an unsupported language. Language of text. Must be one of these language codes.

Response Schema


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST https://api.sentimllc.com/emotion/conversation \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

import sentim
api_instance = # ... see get_access_token to see how to get a proper instance
conv = sentim.Conversation([
  "Hello, how can I help you?", 
  "I'm having issues with the site.", 
  "I'm sorry to hear that. What is happening specifically?", 
  "After I click on the link provided, the webpage keeps saying it's not found.", 
  "Can you access google.com?", "Why does that matter?",
  "I just want to check if you are connected to the internet.", 
  "Yeah, I can access google.com", 
  "Okay, great! Can you access our home page?",
  "Yes, I can access everything except the link that you sent me! AHHHHH!", 
  "Okay, I've sent you a new link. Can you check to see if the new link works?",
  "Yea... one second. Yeap. The link works. Thanks!", 
  "Not a problem. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", 
  "Nope! Goodbye."
api_response = api_instance.detect_emotion_conversation(conv)

POST /emotion/conversation

Detect the emotion of every user message in a conversation

Given a conversation of user-chatbot speech, classify the emotion the user is expressing for every user message in the conversation.

Body parameter

  "ignore_first": true,
  "lang": "en",
   : [

If ignore_first is true, the input conversation must have at least 5 messages. The number of messages must be of odd length (this is how we check if the conversation starts and ends with a message from the user). The number of messages cannot exceed 25. The length of each message cannot exceed 300.
Note: unlike in detect_emotion, this method will still produce a score for text that exceeds the maximum length. It will instead produce both an error result and a normal result indicating that it automatically truncated the text to the proper length and this was the result for the truncated text.


Name In Type Required Description
body body Conversation true none

Example responses

200 Response

  "ResultList": [
      "EmotionScore": {
        "Anger": 0.70523544,
        "Neutral": 0.00899112,
        "Others": 0.3163906,
        "Happy": 0.11595909,
        "Joy": 0.02580458,
        "Affection": 0.01137558,
        "Sad": 0.00235727,
        "Disappointment": 0.00223313
      "Index": 0,
      "Emotion": "Anger"
      "EmotionScore": {
        "Anger": 0.70523544,
        "Neutral": 0.00899112,
        "Others": 0.3163906,
        "Happy": 0.11595909,
        "Joy": 0.02580458,
        "Affection": 0.01137558,
        "Sad": 0.00235727,
        "Disappointment": 0.00223313
      "Index": 0,
      "Emotion": "Anger"
  "ErrorList": [
      "Index": 0,
      "ErrorCode": 6,
      "ErrorMessage": "ErrorMessage"
      "Index": 0,
      "ErrorCode": 6,
      "ErrorMessage": "ErrorMessage"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successful operation. Returns the emotion for every user message (i.e. every other message starting with the first (1,3,5,...)) BatchEmotionResponse
400 Bad Request Invalid list or lang value. Could be due to too many items in the list or using an unsupported language. Language of text. Must be one of these language codes.

Response Schema


Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST https://api.sentimllc.com/emotion/single \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

import sentim
api_instance = # ... see get_access_token to see how to get a proper instance
conv = sentim.Conversation([
  "Hello, how can I help you?", 
  "I'd like to get a car.", 
  "What kind of car?", 
  "A truck."
api_response = api_instance.detect_emotion(conv)

POST /emotion/single

Detect emotion of a conversation

Given a conversation and the language of that conversation, this method classifies the emotion expressed for the last message of the input conversation.

Body parameter

  "ignore_first": true,
  "lang": "en",
   : [

Input conversation must have between 1 and 5 messages. The number of messages must be of odd length (this is how we check if the conversation starts and ends with a message from the user). The length of each message cannot exceed 300.


Name In Type Required Description
body body Conversation true A conversation of length 1-5 turns.

Example responses

200 Response

  "EmotionScore": {
    "Anger": 0.70523544,
    "Neutral": 0.00899112,
    "Others": 0.3163906,
    "Happy": 0.11595909,
    "Joy": 0.02580458,
    "Affection": 0.01137558,
    "Sad": 0.00235727,
    "Disappointment": 0.00223313
  "Emotion": "Anger"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Successful operation. Returns the emotion of the last message in the conversation. EmotionResponse
400 Bad Request Invalid text or lang value. Text size limit exceeded? Language of text. Must be one of these language codes.

Response Schema



  "ResultList": [
      "EmotionScore": {
        "Anger": 0.70523544,
        "Neutral": 0.00899112,
        "Others": 0.3163906,
        "Happy": 0.11595909,
        "Joy": 0.02580458,
        "Affection": 0.01137558,
        "Sad": 0.00235727,
        "Disappointment": 0.00223313
      "Index": 0,
      "Emotion": "Anger"
      "EmotionScore": {
        "Anger": 0.70523544,
        "Neutral": 0.00899112,
        "Others": 0.3163906,
        "Happy": 0.11595909,
        "Joy": 0.02580458,
        "Affection": 0.01137558,
        "Sad": 0.00235727,
        "Disappointment": 0.00223313
      "Index": 0,
      "Emotion": "Anger"
  "ErrorList": [
      "Index": 0,
      "ErrorCode": 6,
      "ErrorMessage": "ErrorMessage"
      "Index": 0,
      "ErrorCode": 6,
      "ErrorMessage": "ErrorMessage"


Name Type Required Description
ErrorList [ErrorItem] false The list of errors that occured during the execution of this method.
ResultList [ResultItem] false The list of results.


  "ignore_first": true,
  "lang": "en",
   : [


Name Type Required Description
conversation [string] true Conversation as a list of alternating messages, starting with the user.
lang string true Language spoken in the conversation as a language code. Must be one of these language codes.
ignore_first boolean false If true, only the last chatbot or user message will be scored. Primarily used for stitching together long conversations that exceed the max conversation length. Default: false.


  "Score": 0.70523544,
  "Index": 1


Name Type Required Description
Index integer false The index of the message in the conversation that the score is for.
Score number false The score, between 0 and 1, representing how well the user's response to this message matches what we would expect. A lower score indicates that the user's emotional state is worse than we expected, so the message probably need modified.


  "ResultList": [
      "Score": 0.70523544,
      "Index": 1
      "Score": 0.70523544,
      "Index": 1
  "ErrorList": [
      "Index": 0,
      "ErrorCode": 6,
      "ErrorMessage": "ErrorMessage"
      "Index": 0,
      "ErrorCode": 6,
      "ErrorMessage": "ErrorMessage"


Name Type Required Description
ErrorList [ErrorItem] false The list of errors that occured during the execution of this method.
ResultList [ConversationScore] false The list of index and effective score for every chatbot message.


  "Anger": 0.51688863,
  "Neutral": 0.00899112,
  "Others": 0.3163906,
  "Happy": 0.11595909,
  "Joy": 0.02580458,
  "Affection": 0.01137558,
  "Sad": 0.00235727,
  "Disappointment": 0.00223313

The probability of each emotion in the message. The total probability of all emotions must sum to one, and each emotion's probability is between 0 and 1.


Name Type Required Description
Anger number false none
Disappointment number false none
Sad number false none
Happy number false none
Joy number false none
Affection number false none
Neutral number false none
Others number false none


  "EmotionScore": {
    "Anger": 0.70523544,
    "Neutral": 0.00899112,
    "Others": 0.3163906,
    "Happy": 0.11595909,
    "Joy": 0.02580458,
    "Affection": 0.01137558,
    "Sad": 0.00235727,
    "Disappointment": 0.00223313
  "Emotion": "Anger"


Name Type Required Description
Emotion string false The emotion with the highest likelihood in the emotion score.
EmotionScore EmotionScore false The probability of each emotion in the message. The total probability of all emotions must sum to one, and each emotion's probability is between 0 and 1.


  "Index": 0,
  "ErrorCode": 6,
  "ErrorMessage": "ErrorMessage"


Name Type Required Description
Index integer false The index of the conversation or list that the error occurred.
ErrorMessage string false The message describing what went wrong.
ErrorCode integer false The error code of the message. Usually one of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes.


  "EmotionScore": {
    "Anger": 0.70523544,
    "Neutral": 0.00899112,
    "Others": 0.3163906,
    "Happy": 0.11595909,
    "Joy": 0.02580458,
    "Affection": 0.01137558,
    "Sad": 0.00235727,
    "Disappointment": 0.00223313
  "Index": 0,
  "Emotion": "Anger"


Name Type Required Description
Index integer false The index of the conversation or list that was classified.
Emotion string false The classified emotion of the message.
EmotionScore EmotionScore false The probability of each emotion in the message. The total probability of all emotions must sum to one, and each emotion's probability is between 0 and 1.


  "text": "string",
  "lang": "en"


Name Type Required Description
text string true Text to classify
lang string true Language of the input text. Must be one of these language codes.


  "textlist": [
    "Example 1",
    "Example 2",
    "Example 3",
  "lang": "en"


Name Type Required Description
textlist [string] true List of Text to classify
lang string true Language of the input text. Must be one of these language codes.

General Errors

Error Code Error Message Error Description
401 Invalid access token. Access token is invalid or has expired. Please check to see if you are getting the access token correctly or get a new access token.
402 Invalid payment option. Your credit card information provided from the user settings page is incorrect. Perhaps your card has since been canceled or has expired. Please go to your user settings and click the "change credit card info" button to update your credit card information securely.